Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Hey kids! Are you excited about the Summer Olympics in Paris? It’s a big sports party that happens every four years. The Olympics started over 3000 years ago – that’s a really long time!
Here are some cool things about the Olympics:
Now, here’s something fun for you! We have free printable coloring pages about the Olympics. You can color:
Did you know the Olympic Rings have been a special symbol of the Olympic games since 1913? That’s over 100 years! The five colorful rings Represent for the five continents of the world coming together. It’s a simple but powerful image.
We have a fun coloring sheet with these rings for you to color yourself! Use your favorite colors to make them bright and beautiful. This activity is perfect for getting excited about the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris!
This Free Printable 2024 Olympic Torch coloring page is fun for kids to color. Use this Coloring Sheet to show your excitement for the Summer Olympics
Look at this cool Summer Olympics sports coloring sheet! It shows lots of different Olympic sports. We put in some of the most popular ones like Tennis, gymnastics, and soccer. We tried to fit in as many fun sports as we could!
Can you find your favorite sport on the page? If it’s there, you can color it extra special. If not, maybe you’ll discover a new sport you’d like to watch during the 2024 games!
Remember, the Olympics have so many exciting competitions. Which one do you want to see most?
Here is another simple and cute coloring page for the Summer 2024 summer Olympics in Paris.. so what are you waiting for? Download this PDF, Bring out your Crayons, and Start Coloring.
This Free Printable cute coloring page shows the winner’s medal on the podium and Celebration around it. you should be inspired by this page. it’s a huge thing to win a medal in the Olympics.
Color this Inspiring Page Displaying and encouragement for the players Playing in the Olympics. Show your enthusiasm by coloring this page!!